May 13
Exclusive Pumping 101: Maximize Your Supply, Get Control of Your Schedule, and Save Your Sanity
Learn how you can make your pumping experience easier and more manageable in your everyday life. You’ll get realistic and actionable tips and tricks to maximize your supply, create a pumping schedule, and maintain your sanity.
I exclusively pumped for both of my babies and knows firsthand how overwhelming it can be. But with the right schedule, tools, and support - pumping doesn’t have to suck.
1pm EST
May 18
Postpartum Care for New Moms
You’ve read the newborn care books, you’ve got a birth plan, and you even attended a breastfeeding workshop. But what about you?
Join me to learn exactly what to expect from your body, your mind, and your hormones after you have a baby. You'll create a list of all the must-have gear for your recovery (ever wonder what a padsicle is?) and learn to tell the difference between 'typical' postpartum recovery and when to call your doctor for extra support. All with your mental and physical health in mind.
1pm EST
June 13
Exclusive Pumping 101: Maximize Your Supply, Get Control of Your Schedule, and Save Your Sanity
Learn how you can make your pumping experience easier and more manageable in your everyday life. You’ll get realistic and actionable tips and tricks to maximize your supply, create a pumping schedule, and maintain your sanity.
I exclusively pumped for both of my babies and knows firsthand how overwhelming it can be. But with the right schedule, tools, and support - pumping doesn’t have to suck.
1pm EST
July 28
(Judgement-Free) Prenatal Bottle Feeding
Nursing can be a great experience, but it's not for everyone. Unfortunately, there's a lack of resources for moms-to-be who, for whatever reason, are choosing to exclusively pump or formula feed right from the beginning.
If you already know that nursing isn't for you (or you just want to explore all of the options) join us for this judgment-free feeding workshop. We'll cover exclusive pumping (breastfeeding without nursing) and formula-feeding a newborn, ensuring that you get all the info you need to make informed feeding decisions.
1pm EST